Motivation of Students

-recognise and support diversity amongst individuals and groups
-engage students in learning
-establish high expectations that value and promote learning

2015 Document
- I am continuing to motivate the students in my class with the examples I shared in 2014 document. What else have I been doing in my practice? What are new methods i am using to engage my students?

-The learner must always be in the centre and everything else surrounds the learner and their needs. I have been asking my students to complete tasks that I may think are easy, i then have to stop and think how these tasks look from their prespective, I aim to make this the norm and actually bring the learner back to centre of everything I do.

- I have been involving the students in the planning of Education Outside the Classroom. The students shared all their ideas and then got to choose one of four options in one the days we have organised.

- Writing workshops: This has been a huge motivational pull for many students. In writing they are choosing their own workshops which put's the ownership on them, this results in them have more engaement to the workshop they have selected.  When atudents are more motivated andengaged they are able to take more out of each workshop. 

-Positive Behaviour for Learning has motivated students to make positive choices in the classroom as they are working towards a shared reward. 

2014 Document
- I motivate students by making learning fun, making learning, the process and the environment an exciting place to be.

- In the classroom I try to build on prior knowledge the best I can when starting a topic. Drawing on what the students already know and building on this. Prior knowledge in Reading by being selective in text choice. In Maths pulling out the strategies they know and extending these further.

- By knowing my learners I am able to select material in my teaching to address the interests of the individuals.  Selecting text based on students needs and being aware of the needs with each group.

- Modify teaching when there is the need to. When a Maths  group is struggling with a particular concept, I will modify my approach and use other material to support the ideas being taught.

- In the classroom students take ownership for their learning and their behaviour. They are encouraged to think about actions and thinking of how they can put right the situation.

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