Teaching Strategies

-use appropriate teaching objectives, programmes, learning activities, and assessment
-demonstrate a range of effective teaching techniques
-demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness
-impart subject content effectively
-use appropriate technology and resources
-reflect on teaching with a view to improvement 

      2015 Documentation:

- Building on from last year, I am continuing to use the data as a starting point when grouping students, planning lessons based on student needs and next steps. I use the New Zealand Curriculum, Learning Progressions and The National Standards to set up Learning Intentions and use as a reference. I make observations while teaching and reviewing student's work to adapt my planning based to the needs of the students.

- A major change in my classroom this year has been the new furniture. Students are able to choose about where they want to sit based on where they feel they are able to learn best. I have used the corridor as a quiet zone and a classroom has been cleared out and used as a breakout space.

- Student agency http://nickrate.com/2013/06/04/student-agency/ is a key factor in how we are moving forward with the changes in our teaching and how we are interacting with students. 

-In my syndicate of four teachers we started Writing Workshops across four classes. The students were able to sign up for a workshop based on the specific area they wanted to focus their learning on. See my teacher Inquiry to find out more about the journey: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DgIUQFz_ICGPMIDZVou0woOfWx-nQx6eCsFvzoVBp2Y/edit 

      2014 Documentation:

- I used the data as a starting point when grouping. I plan lessons based on student needs and next steps. I use the New Zealand Curriculum, Learning Progressions, The National Standards to set up Learning Intentions and use these as a reference.

- When looking at group needs I look at data and general observations made when taking that group. I then and this to my planning to ensure my plan continusly adapts the needs of all the individuals of the group.

- Taking note of individual needs and catering for this within a group.

- Whole class modelling, grouping, working in peers, working in small groups, sharing back to the class.

- Starting to create alternative spaces in the class for students to work other than their desks. I’ve have implemented these spaces into certain times in the day, Maths students that are not working  with me on the mat can choose where they work/play maths games. This has filtered itself into Reading  those that aren’t with me can choose where they sit. Writing is the area that I am working on and looking to implement the same stratergy.

- There are several different spaces set up in the classroom where students can choose to work, their own desk, writing table, mat, fish mat under the sheet, quiet zone by Room 7 door, behind the library, and behind the tote tray shelf.

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